~~~ Smile with Life ~~~
Hello World…!
Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
I still remember the days I used to mumble this soothing poem in my kindergarten. I sang this with joy when my teacher gave me a star for my favorite hand work. I whispered this while I was crying when my best friend got angry with me or a troublesome brat in the class hit me.
Those days I had no intimation on what this poem tries to say. But it touched me so much so I used to sing this poem whenever I am happy or sad. Passing the days, weeks, months & years, the time has brought me up to, today. When I look back at my own life, & the lives of the people surround me, I realize the deep essence of this poem.
Our life is just like a stream. Sometimes it’s deep, silent & tranquil. So we used to inspire by the peacefulness of our lives. Sometimes it’s too sluggish & boring. Then we start seeking new experiences. We embark on journeys in quest of new relationships, new ventures with millions & billions of hopes. Hopes for the love, protection & prestige. But suddenly life changes unexpectedly into a gigantic force & splashes our hopes in few seconds.
That time we used to tell ourselves “Oh… Life is but a Dream” Aren’t we? If we fail to row our feelings, gently through the debris of our crumpled dreams our lives can be handicapped forever. But if we row our boat with patience & enduring belief, we will see the hard times are dwindling away. We will realize once again life not only encompasses splashes & clashes but also merrily dreams which become a reality.

Think. You have spent plenty time performing different roles in your personal life and career life. Some times as a mom or dad, aunt or uncle or daughter or son. Then again in your career life you may be an engineer sometimes a lecturer and sometimes a consultant. Of course it’s downright true that you need to play these roles. But when did you last spent time with you? Apart from these numerous roles there is a person called “you” just “you”. Did you have even one minute for her or him?
The environment I brought up under shelter of my adorable parents ingrained me this habit. Habit to spent little bit of time with me, just with me. Learning’s of my own religion and many other physiological books are evident for the importance of spending some time with ourselves. There you can observe your own behavior, your weaknesses, and strengths. You can make a fine retrospection about your life and learn from your past mistakes & downfalls. We used to visit saloon for our monthly clean up or facial, but we hardly find time to give a treatment to our mind. If we cannot replenish our mind with new thoughts, ideas and attitudes, no matter how many treatments, we do to our body we are the same old persons.
So once when I was spending time with me alone, I remembered one of my old habits which I was so passionate until few years back. That is writing. I used to do lot of reading and writing. My habit was confined to some extent by the MBA for during last couple of years. With the freedom I received after completing the MBA, I have now more time to write. Write what I happen to read and feel.
So dear friends, Life is a dream. But we all want to make it a reality rather than a fantasy. Spend some time with your life, do what you like. Go to your childhood remember those care free, cheerful moments. Remember how you smiled with twinkling starts and sprinkles of morning dew kissing the flower buds. Spend some little time with you, with nature. Then you will feel you are smiling with your own life.
Have a great life ahead ……….!
Have a great life ahead ……….!