Smile With Life


Hello friends.......! Warmly welcome to my blog SmileWithLife. I am a person, loves to stop by for a moment from this fast paced life and spend some time to smell the roses, think of the beauty of the nature and life. This blog is reserved for such thoughts of the experiences of me or experiences that I happened to see or hear which engrossed my heart. Which in turn, my purpose is to build such a lively community who love to live their lives, who are inspired by love, kindness, and compassion and let others live their lives. Therefore if you happen to drop in my blog, spend few seconds to read the posts. If you too have similar experiences of yours or of the people surround you, don’t forget to share them by leaving a comment. Experiences are the best ways to learn the life. Besides it’s a pleasure to network with such a community who have time to smell the roses, who admire the beauty of the life. Believe me, as long as such people are living …., our planet is a safety place to live.Life is a Precious Gift. Accept it. Appreciate it. Smile with it...

~ ~ Darling swallows flying in glee ~ ~

Darling swallows flying in glee

Withering lilies and rotting berries

At the brink of fall …, left only me


Come back…,

Take my wishes to him passing over the sea

The vividness of roses and scents of daisy

The swirling leaves, swinging apples in breeze

Take them….To him that I love...


We wandered in green meadows in merry

Whiffing the nectar of blue berry

I wrote my love on the flowing water

While we drift away in the ferry


Days passed away.., hastening the good bye

He never smelled

My love written in every sigh


Darling swallows flying in glee

Dimming autumn trying to flee

At the brink of fall take my love over the sea....

~~ The Hope ~~

The hope is the unblemished determination
That spurred a traveler to seek his way in a lonely desert

The hope is the astonishing power
That urged a sailor to fight in a savage blizzard

The hope is a relentless goal
That caused a spinner run his last mile breaking the hazard

The hope is the divining inspiration
That drove the Beethoven to amuse the beholders like a wizard

~~~ Rain ~~~

The rain
Tears of a mother elating over the return of lost child
Tears of a father daunting over the misery of poverty
Tears of a bride enlivening upon the dreams of love
Tears of a woman lamenting over her man’s death

~ ~ ~ Weave Your Crown ~ ~ ~

Life is a string of moments to weave with endeavor
A Man with a purpose weaves a crown
of moments studded with fame to cherish forever
The aimless man weaves a rag of thorn
of moments studded with shame to perish forever

When you say nothing at all…………

“You can hear the footsteps of God when silence is the sovereign of your mind”

When I heard this inspiring quote by “Sri Sathya Sai Baba” my mind dwelled in a thought like this. From the birth to death most of us battle with various complexities of life may be their roots spread in to the deepest depths of this universe. But there is a great source of power which comes to our help if you have l patience to witness it, which is silence

We used to think silence is a trait of a coward or a spiritual person. We take it as something peculiar or extraordinary act which has nothing to do with our normal lives. But let me share few facts which I read in the books about the power of silence and how can you use it to make your life successful.

As Mahatma Gandhi said silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute. More we deal with people more we become vulnerable to criticism. You, as an engineer, manager teacher or whatever the role you play, in your organization or as a father mother your decisions may be subject to false criticism. At those times we feel the world is downright unfair place. But if we can respond them with silence, we maintain a great degree of dignity. The critic wishes to provoke us. It makes enemies. But by maintaining silence we are showing that it is beneath our dignity to respond their false criticism. So we can completely detach from negativity or pains.

Then again, modern life is very complicated. There are seemingly endless series of options and avenues. Sometimes we don’t know what the correct path is. Where am I heading to? Here silence helps you to recognize the true person in you. It will filter out what ever the, garbage in your soul & show you with the most correct choice which will lead you to right direction.

Therefore Silence allows you to believe in you & trust your intuitions. This guides to be a very liberal individual a man of sterling character, who has power to work on his own instincts. So you can put off your self getting sabotage in front of various storms and trends of the society. Look at our younger generation. Some of them very easily become victims of alcohol, drugs, and various mal practices. Why? They get quickly disrupted by harmful trends of society. Practicing the silence is one good remedy. It brings you trust and balance to life.

Entering inner silence gives you deep rest. The rhythm of the body slows. The rate of breathing slows. Your heart rate drops. And you enter the present moment. Nowadays not only elderly people but even school students become victims of diabetics, heart strokes due to stressful life. Silence is a heavenly medicine to many diseases.

Not only that my friends silence is the great source of creativity. The religious leaders, artists, scientists produce their priceless works to this world in the practice of silence. Silence is the key to enter the most creative place of this universe which is nature. Sometimes we never notice how many things happen so quietly. The most powerful reservoir, the sun rises in silence. Then trees produce food to entire living being. In silence the flower buds gently bloom, and they waft their sweet perfume in to the air. So do you see any emptiness in silence?

Scientists say human brain apparently consists of 100 billion cells called neurons. No computer can ever beat human brain. Silence is the very first step to invoke that supreme power through meditation. It’s not an exaggeration but now it’s a proven that if you have a true will power there is nothing called ‘Cant’ for human beings. For all these things it is the silence the foundation. You need to practice silence & focus your mind to absorb the universal power to your mind. Toastmasters not only teach us to speak but to listens. It teaches us proper listening leads to precise and balanced evaluation.

So friends before you go to bed today, be quiet for five minutes and listen to the silence. Listen to yourself; eventually you will get a crystal clear evaluation of your self. Your positives, negatives, tip to improve.

More than anything silence is a very faithful partner at times you are seized by unbearable pain agony. When your soul laments “Why this happened -I need the answer now” Shhh… be quiet & close your eyes. Because when you say nothing at you will here the footsteps of god – a heavenly music. You will feel a great fulfillment and relaxed as you can even dance on rainbow. And you will receive all the answers you need in silence. Because You Say it Best When You Say Nothing at all….!

~ ~ ~ Sweet Dreams ~ ~ ~

“Twinkle Twinkle little star – How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high – Like a diamond in the sky

There was a tiny little girl toddling to balcony with her mom. She gazed at the radiant sky with her eyes wide open. She was amazed by twinkling stars sprinkled all over the sky.

Then her mother says that star is you my child. As you grow up you will be brighter as brighter as that star & light up the world. There after watching night sky became my habit. That was my mother’s very first lesson for me to appreciate nature.

We all in our childhood used to get inspired by the nature. The rainbow, morning due, golden sunshine, flowers, stars, the moon isn’t it? But today tell me when did you last spend with your loved ones looking the beauty of night sky? Does it sound so childish? As now we are adults & highly professional, busy individuals? No matter how old or how professional we are, we all abide by the universal law that we are offspring of Mother Nature.

We all owe her for the air we breathe. We owe her for water we drink. We owe her for standing trampling trespassing on her. We owe her for greenery glamorous atmosphere we see. We disturb her by shouting so loud or raising the monstrous machines or firing fatal weapons. But she is so calm & serene bears anything & gives us everything. So shouldn’t we grateful to her.

Long time back load Buddha & many religious leaders taught us to be grateful to Mother Nature. But world has changed. People started brutally pollute mother nature. What was the result? Evil embarked ruling the world & it started to decay leaving violence depression & dissatisfaction.

But still there are wise people in the world like Dale Carnegie who wrote many books about appreciate the nature. I would like to share one of his thoughts with you. Please don’t say you don’t have time to do his. Because you can save the hours you spent at doctors for headaches high blood pressure stress.

Ten minutes every night live with nature. Go to a calm place, may be your balcony, alone. Close your eyes & open your ears. Listen to the silence. As you listen, nature will become a symphony to your spirit. Listen to the howling of the wind, rustling of leaves mixed with a solo of a lonely nightingale. Then a chime of bell from a far away temple will penetrate your soul. You will feel immense peace, divine. Then open your eyes & look the beauty of night.

For me the night is like an orchestra. The sky is like a velvet curtain where millions of stars scattered with silver dust. The stage is still closed. Everything is so calm & tranquil. But Nature is waiting for someone. You will see shooting star sweep across the sky as swift as a deer to signal the moon is just above to arrive.

Then entire atmosphere become as lively as it got a new energy just as audience waiting excitedly to see their beloved singer. Little by little very calmly she the moon appears through the sky. And at once & environment is overjoyed with her glow. For me it’s like how the most renowned singers “Nanada Malini” or “Latha Mangeshkar” with her charm white saree come to the stage. And I m engrossed in thoughts of my favorite songs about the moon. So please do appreciate nature, teach your children to be grateful to for everything she gives us. Try to spend just ten minutes a day with nature. She will give you immense power & peace to live your life while making your dreams come true. You can get away from the rumbles & grumbles of busy life & in no time you will be placed with perfect peace. Ultimately isn’t that sweet dream all we want?

~~~ Autumn Break ~~~

When your love reflects in my life~~~
My soul is as vivid as this lake
When your sight appears in my eyes~~~
My days are as vibrant as this autumn break

I am Waiting at the Aisle . . .

Please click on the image to zoom if not clear

~~~ Smile with Life ~~~

Hello World…!
Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

I still remember the days I used to mumble this soothing poem in my kindergarten. I sang this with joy when my teacher gave me a star for my favorite hand work. I whispered this while I was crying when my best friend got angry with me or a troublesome brat in the class hit me.
Those days I had no intimation on what this poem tries to say. But it touched me so much so I used to sing this poem whenever I am happy or sad. Passing the days, weeks, months & years, the time has brought me up to, today. When I look back at my own life, & the lives of the people surround me, I realize the deep essence of this poem.
Our life is just like a stream. Sometimes it’s deep, silent & tranquil. So we used to inspire by the peacefulness of our lives. Sometimes it’s too sluggish & boring. Then we start seeking new experiences. We embark on journeys in quest of new relationships, new ventures with millions & billions of hopes. Hopes for the love, protection & prestige. But suddenly life changes unexpectedly into a gigantic force & splashes our hopes in few seconds.
That time we used to tell ourselves “Oh… Life is but a Dream” Aren’t we? If we fail to row our feelings, gently through the debris of our crumpled dreams our lives can be handicapped forever. But if we row our boat with patience & enduring belief, we will see the hard times are dwindling away. We will realize once again life not only encompasses splashes & clashes but also merrily dreams which become a reality.

I am learning to behold this nature of life with much compassion. But I feel lives of many people including me in some situations; have become enormously busy & occupied. Unlike in past, present days, life provides us too many options, too many avenues. So some people tend to lost in their lives not knowing which way to go. Or else they are running in their lives here and there without a focus to grab all the options. Ultimately in this chase of options people will forget themselves.

Think. You have spent plenty time performing different roles in your personal life and career life. Some times as a mom or dad, aunt or uncle or daughter or son. Then again in your career life you may be an engineer sometimes a lecturer and sometimes a consultant. Of course it’s downright true that you need to play these roles.
But when did you last spent time with you? Apart from these numerous roles there is a person called “you” just “you”. Did you have even one minute for her or him?

The environment I brought up under shelter of my adorable parents ingrained me this habit. Habit to spent little bit of time with me, just with me. Learning’s of my own religion and many other physiological books are evident for the importance of spending some time with ourselves. There you can observe your own behavior, your weaknesses, and strengths. You can make a fine retrospection about your life and learn from your past mistakes & downfalls. We used to visit saloon for our monthly clean up or facial, but we hardly find time to give a treatment to our mind. If we cannot replenish our mind with new thoughts, ideas and attitudes, no matter how many treatments, we do to our body we are the same old persons.

So once when I was spending time with me alone, I remembered one of my old habits which I was so passionate until few years back. That is writing. I used to do lot of reading and writing. My habit was confined to some extent by the MBA for during last couple of years. With the freedom I received after completing the MBA, I have now more time to write. Write what I happen to read and feel.

So dear friends, Life is a dream. But we all want to make it a reality rather than a fantasy. Spend some time with your life, do what you like. Go to your childhood remember those care free, cheerful moments. Remember how you smiled with twinkling starts and sprinkles of morning dew kissing the flower buds. Spend some little time with you, with nature. Then you will feel you are smiling with your own life.

Have a great life ahead ……….!